Microchipping & Scanning
Are you expecting a new litter of adorable puppies? Or perhaps you want to ensure your beloved dog has a permanent form of identification for added security and peace of mind? Look no further than The Dog Den, where we offer professional and reliable pet ultrasound scanning and microchipping services.
Ultrasound Scanning
From day 28 of mating, our expert team is here to provide you with accurate and non-invasive ultrasound scanning services for your pregnant dog. Whether you’re a breeder or a concerned pet parent, our state-of-the-art equipment allows us to monitor your dog’s pregnancy progress with precision and care.
Our experienced technicians will ensure a comfortable and stress-free experience for your dog while providing you with valuable insights into the health and well-being of the mother and her growing litter.
With our pet ultrasound scanning services, you can rest assured knowing that you’ll be prepared for the arrival of your new furry family members.
Protect your beloved dog and give yourself peace of mind with our microchipping services. Microchipping provides a safe and permanent form of identification for your dog, ensuring that they can be quickly reunited with you in the event they become lost or separated.
Our skilled and compassionate team will implant a tiny microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, under your dog’s skin. This chip contains a unique identification number that can be scanned by veterinarians, animal shelters, and authorities, allowing for prompt identification and safe return.
Microchipping is a simple and quick procedure that can be performed in just a few minutes, offering a lifetime of protection for your furry friend.